
Last Christmas...

The scheduling of this holiday season has been on my mind a lot lately. You see, last year, I had a whirlwind Christmas with many places to visit. It's like a festival more than a holiday really. Lots of places to go and people to see. But with all the changes that have happened in my family in the past couple of months and with my friends' families throughout the year, this Christmas is gonna be a lot different. Not nearly as many places to go. Not as many people to see. And while I should be relieved because I'm usually worn out by the end of it, I can't help but to be a little sad.

I don't adapt well to change. And recently nothing but different has been thrown at me. I'm trying my hardest to go with the flow, and I think I'm doing a pretty good job if I do say so myself. But it's just hard. To think about the holidays--a time that should be nothing but happy--and feel sad. This is something that I've got to come to terms with. There's nothing that will make it magically be back to "normal"-This is the new normal.

Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas time and am looking forward to having some quality time with those that I will spend it with this year. It's just hard.


A Year in Review

As the year draws to a close, I've been thinking back about that's happened in what seems like the shortest year ever. So I thought I should catalog it all. Here goes:

Boyfriends Lost: 1
Concerts Rescheduled: 1
Jobs Lost: 1
Colleges Started (again): 1
Holidays Spent Alone: All of them
Firemen Lusted After: 1 in real life, many on Rescue Me
Hearts Broken: 1 and a half
Spring Breaks: 1 but it was fun enough to last a lifetime
Boat Boyfriends Found: 1
Friends Made: Too Many to Count
Awesome Birthday Parties Thrown: 1, My Own!
Showers Thrown: 3
Best Friends Weddings: 2
Hours of Class Taken: 42
Vacations with Family: 1
Bachelorette Parties Attended: 2
Trips to Knoxville: Not completely sure, but a lot.
Football Games Attended: Again, not completely sure, but a lot.
Sweet Kisses from Nephew: Not enough!
Cousin Meetings: 10+
Hours Spent on the Phone with Nicole: Plenty
Tears Cried: Too Many
Disappointments: Too Many
Advice Received: Not enough
Speeches Given and Cried Through: 2
Weight Gained: 10 lbs
Weight Lost: 9.9 lbs
Floods Lived Through: 1
Cities Fallen in Love With: 2
Cocktails Had: One too many
Bouquets Caught: 2
Fun Time with Hunter and Gage: Lots!
Puppies Loved: All of them
Blessings Received: More than I deserve.

Thanks to everyone that has made my year great.