I've changed my major three times. I've attended three different colleges, one of them twice. I've had a tough road finding what I'm meant to do for the rest of my life. Since I've been taking education classes, I've really felt like teaching was the place to be. I've said it before and I'll say it a million times. I love being in the classroom. But this weekend, Hunter, Gage, Allie, Beverly and I went to the Adventure Science Center here in Nashville. I really wanted to go more than anyone. I mean, hello, it's SO FUN! But while we were there, I found myself going into full on teacher mode! I used questions to evoke critical thinking. I shared my knowledge in a way that was fun but meaningful. I taught a nice little lesson about the solar system! AND THEY LOVED IT! Seriously, it's the best reassurance that I've ever experienced. I knew in that moment that I was definitely making the right choice by pursuing a career in education. Maybe it was a little trigger, but it meant so, so much.
My Little Astronauts!