

Hello old friends!

So I haven't blogged in about a thousand years. I just go through these times when I don't feel inspired or I don't feel like I have anything to say. Lucky for you, that time has come and passed.

I was thinking today about how September is usually a terrible month for me. The past few years have brought lots of heartache and stress during this month and I generally dread it. Also, it's the beginning of fall which then leads to holiday times, which are also terribly stressful and sad. But refreshingly enough, this September has been fabulous. I'm hoping that it's an omen as to how wonderful this winter and holiday season will be!

Lots of people do the "what I'm thankful for" thing in November, but after this month has been so good to me, I'm gonna try to focus on what I'm thankful for every single day. So here is my challenge with myself:
I will post one thing that I'm thankful for every day for the next year. I'm gonna try to include a photo and also try not to repeat myself. Some days will be more deep and meaningful, and some will be light and airy. I figure this shouldn't be too bad since I spend hours a day wasting time on the computer (Hello, Pinterest!). Adding a little post can't be that much harder.

So without further ado....

Today I am thankful for fall nail polish! Getting off to a super heavy start, right? I've been painting my nails more often to make them grow, and quite frankly, I'm tired of pink, red, and orange. I need a little darkness and excitement in my life. Enter fall nail polish colors. I'm currently obsessed with these two:

Let's be real, I'm not a daring person. So these sassy polish colors make me feel wild! It's the little things, right??

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