

I'm not really sure what's going on down at the legislature these days. First the attack on teachers and now an attack on...homosexuality. There is currently a senate bill in the works that would make it illegal to discuss homosexuality in schools before ninth grade. Because didn't you know that if we don't talk about it, it will go away? And if we don't tell these kids about it, they won't be gay! Big gay problem solved, right? WRONG, my friends. Knoxville's own Stacey Campfield sites his bill as a way to clear up some time for teachers to focus on science, reading and math...since I know so many teachers that spend HOURS talking about the gays. Is he serious?

While I understand that each family has it's own outlook on alternative lifestyles including homosexuality, brushing such ever growing subjects under the rug is senseless. It will only create more questions in the long run. It's not 1950 people! Get with the times!

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