
High/Low/High 1.0

So I know I said I was gonna do the high/low thing in an earlier post, but after I thought about it today, I decided on high-low-high cause you should always end on a positive note, right? So here is high/low/high: the first edition!

The first high of the week has been the time I've got to spend with Nicole this week and really the past few weeks. We used to have a really tight knit group of girls that worked together, ran around together, and pretty much spent an obnoxious amount of time together. It was fantastic. But as time goes on, babies and boyfriends (now husbands and fiancées!) and new jobs have broken us apart and we really don't see each other much at all. Nicole and I have become so close in the past five years that its hard to think that we've ONLY BEEN FRIENDS FIVE YEARS! She has been such a great friend,
supporting me when I needed it most and giving me a swift kick when I needed that too. She and I live on different schedules though. She teaches elementary school and I attend college. She has a fantastic man that she's about to marry and we all know I'm single and mingling. We find a way to make it work, but the past few weeks, we've seen each other more than we have all year. And have I mentioned? I LOVE IT! I've enjoyed wedding planning and eating and just spending time together. I'm so happy to be apart of her life and now Maid of Honor in her wedding!!

This week has been pretty great, so it's hard to find a low, honestly. But the one I can come up with is not doing as well as I had hoped on some tests. For those of you that don't know, my first round at college was not one to be proud of. I was young and dumb and made lots of mistakes. But now, I'm focused on what I want to do with myself and have really been trying harder to excel in my classes. I studied more than I think I ever have for any test for these two and just made mediocre grades on them. Really irritates me! Hopefully, the next tests will be better though :(
I got to hang out with my sweet baby nephew last night and kept him today while his mom went shopping and dad worked. I really enjoy the time I get to spend with him, especially if its a time that helps his momma out. I surprise myself with my motherly instincts with him. I have wiped
more undesirables from his body without a thought than I ever even dreamed of doing. There's no better feeling than when he says Aunt Kayla or when he gets excited cause I come to visit. So basically, I just love the kid. So thankful for a baby to love and spoil and play with-and then to send home!

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