
Just getting started.

So here's how it goes.

Recently, I've become quite the follower of the blog. My friend Shelby kinda got me in to the whole thing with her's about her two precious baby boys. I check it out every single day and really look forward to it. You could say that The Chickens were my gateway drug. I'm now completely addicted to about ten blogs that I wait for with baited breath all day long. It's so interesting to me to know what others are doing, or to get a laugh from a horrendous cake (http://www.CakeWrecks.com)

Today, I decided that maybe, just maybe, someone might find enjoyment in MY little ole life. SOOOO, here we are! I'm not very tech savvy, so my blog may be just a little plain until I get the hang of this, but stick with me, and I'll try to make it a bit more exciting. Here goes nothing...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!! I'm so glad I could be a blogga influence on you!!! Can't wait to read along. How did I miss this?!!
