
My Stay-Cation

So everyone I know is on vacation this week. Some are in Florida, some in Tybee Island. And can ya guess where I am?? That's right a combination stay-cation between the poor house and summer class. Not really. While my good friends, The Ballard's, are vacationing elsewhere, I'm staying at their beautiful home hanging with their precious dog, Charlie. Me and Chuck (as he goes by on the weekends) are BFFs. We like to lounge together by the pool. Maybe catch some TV in the sun room. Pretty much just chilling, you know, like a villain!
Tonight at the Ballard Plantation, as Treavor and his friends call it, I had my mom, step-dad and sister's family over for some grilling and pool time. The Ballard's pool is to die for. As you can see in the picture with my bro-in-law, they have a lovely waterfall that really adds to the ambiance of the pool setting. Yes, I just said ambiance. Dalton, as well as his daddy, was thoroughly impressed with said waterfall as well as the diving board. Sister, J-Rod, and I had a jumping contest (reigning form champion! woo!) that Mom and Dalton judged. Mom aka Grammy showed off her mean back dive skills much to Sister's and my dismay (We've already been in the ER once this week, let's not push our luck).
I'm really enjoying having the house to myself. Kinda let's me get a glimpse of what my life will be like if I actually ever move out (fat chance ha!). Also, it makes me appreciate being in a house with others a little more. Empty house= a smidge on the lonely side. Nonetheless, it makes my stay-cation a little more exciting since I'm actually away from my house, even if just by a few miles.
Otherwise, my stay-cation looks to be pretty uneventful. I have two tests this week, so it's gonna be study central so I can hopefully so better than my last two tests. I'm having friends over to swim today and Thursday. I'm excited to see Charli and hopefully her sweet baby girl Adi. Looks as if its gonna be a pretty chill week!

On a serious note, my friends Cody and Chad Dorris lost their father unexpectedly this morning. Please keep them and their family in your thoughts and prayers during what I can only imagine is a devastating time.


  1. Great pictures. I wish you had posted one of Glynda doing a back dive.

  2. Umm... I'm totally jealous of that pool!!!

  3. AND where did all your posting go to, missy?!!
