
But I won't like it...

You know how sometimes you have to do stuff that you really just don't want to? Well it seems like that's a recurring theme in my life these days.

School is and forever will be a burden. I hate every single minute of going to class, and really more than anything in the world would just like to start my career and get on with my life. I hate feeling this way, because I know I have my whole life to work, but dang! Let's get this party started already!

There are other, more personal things, that I've come to realize I must handle in ways that I don't necessarily want to. Ever feel like that? You want to do something but know you NEED to do something else? Totally sucks. But in the proverbial end, I know it will pay off and that I'm making the right choice.

Sometimes, I wish I would be shown that I was wrong for doing what I need to do instead of what I want to, especially in this instance. Second guessing is not something I like doing, but IS something I find myself doing with every major decision I make. I hope that this is normal and have an inkling that it is. But there's always that chance.

So for now, I'll do it. But I certainly won't like it.

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