
Where Has the Time Gone?

Ok, so I've had the busiest week EVER it feels like. School is coming to a close for the summer, I had cupcake orders (Woohoo!). Stayed with Whitley one night and kept Dalton one afternoon. Baby shower on Saturday. Went to church today and met my favorite twin boys for the first time. Whew. I'm tired just writing about it all!

As you can see from the photos, Dalton REALLY enjoyed helping aunt Kayla clean the batter off the spatula. He was a little leery at first, but got the hang out it real quick!

Luckily, after this week I'll have a little (very little) time off of school to relax and chill out. Friday I leave to meet the fam in Tybee Island, Georgia for a mini vacay. I'm excited to be on the beach for a hot second and to get the heck out of Robertson County for a few nights.

Among my busy week, I made time to invite myself to dinner at my grandparent's house several times, and when I say several, I mean three. That's right. I invited myself to eat, spur of the moment, THREE times this week. Are they not the best? Really and truly, I have what is quite possibly the best grandparents and in turn family on the face of the earth.
Not every granddaughter gets to grow up staying at her grandparents house. Myself, my sister and some of my cousins were lucky enough to never have to go to day care. Instead we got to hang out with each other and spend time with my grandma all day long. Both my grandparents are relatively young, especially to have several grown grandchildren. So not only did I get to spend time with them as a child, but I can now enjoy them as an adult. They come to parties and dress up. They host a huge Fourth of July extravaganza for our family every year. They even came with us for my 21st birthday weekend in Metropolis.

Most importantly, my grandparents have given me and my cousins a great example of love to live up to. They have been married for 47 years. They've been through hard times, good times, sad times, pretty much anything you can imagine, they've done it. For Christmas this year, the Cousin Club found a wall hanging that pretty much summed up what Maw and Papaw have done for us. It said "All Because Two People Fell In Love" and each of the seven of us signed the back with a little message about how much they mean to us. And really, the words couldn't have been any more true. Without them, our family would be nothing. They were the beginning of it and continue to be the backbone, pulling us together for the good and the bad. Hopefully, I will be getting married on their 50 wedding anniversary in 2013 as a tribute to the example they've been for me. I'm so thankful to have them now and forever!

P.S. I would like to add that Papaw is NOT a cross-dresser, well, usually he isn't. That's the only good picture I have of him and it's from a Halloween Party.


  1. Thanks for the shout out, boo! So good to see you yesterday. I LOVED the sermon! I am excited to keep going back... The most recent pastor we had didn't really keep me excited so it was easy to just skip out. Do you plan on sticking around for a bit? I love seeing your pretty face in the congregation. I was going to tell you to come on up and sit with us, but I figured you were waiting for Margaret Ann or someone.

  2. I really enjoy the new pastor too! My former boss and friend grew up with her and has been singing her praises for weeks. I really like her messages that I've heard. It's not just bible beating, it's like she takes real life stuff and makes it relevant to the scripture. Me Likey. I have been looking for new places to attend church. I just don't feel comfortable at the church I grew up at anymore. I really like GUMC and the whole methodist idea so far, so I think I'll keep coming. MAW and Mr. Jim invited me, so that's who I have sat with the times I came, but I'm up to sit anywhere!
