
I'm Alive, I Promise.

Where do I begin?!

Since I last blogged, a LOT has happened. I also have some other updates that I haven't been writing about, so bear with me. This might be a long one.

So Ross left us. Sad day there. Last Wednesday, I had Ross and his family along with some of my family over for a little farewell dinner. Which was delicious, if I do say so myself. Aside from the excellent meal, we had a really nice time visiting with each other's families (which, really, is just one big chosen family). He got a few little last minute gifts, including this picture in a frame and an umbrella with a little note from me saying "These are two things that you don't realize you need until you don't have them." I remember moving to school, and even though I was only 45 minutes away, I missed my family. Don't get me wrong, I had a GREAT time, but it was still sad. I hope that Ross loves every minute of his time in Knoxville, but I also hope that he always remembers where his family is! I'm going to Knoxville for Labor Day Weekend, and I cannot wait to see him!!

Along the same lines (kinda), I've been cooking a lot lately. I've cooked dinner for my parents and for friends for the past two weeks, and I have to say, I really have enjoyed it. I've been trying different recipes, all from the Weight Watchers website. Some have been delicious and some have been ok. Either way, I like being able to contribute and help out. So I think it's something that I'll continue with.

CLASS IS OVER!!! WOOHOO!! I finished up summer classes on Friday. Thank the good Lord. So I am officially on summer break--for two weeks. I know it's short, but I'm trying to make the most of it. So far I've vacationed, cleaned my room a little (a very little), started redecorating my bathroom, and relaxed. It's been very nice, and I really wish it could last longer!!

Vacation. Yes. My family left for Tybee Island last Wednesday, but since I had to finish up summer class, I flew down to meet them on Friday afternoon. First off, let me just say I love traveling alone. It was really nice to just get to have some alone time to think about stuff, to read, and to people watch and drink in the airport. Yes, that's right, drink. Look, don't judge me. My official summer had just begun. So of course I had a few cocktails, or four, on the way to Tybee. What the heck else was I supposed to do on vacation!? At any rate, I arrived in Savannah around 7 Friday evening, and the fun began! We went to dinner and had a WONDERFUL meal.Played cards and had family time on Friday evening. We woke up (really freaking early I might add) on Saturday morning to a tasty breakfast and made ready for family photo time on the beach. This was the first time we've made pictures as a fam since Dalton was born. I think they turned out really well and we had a great time taking them. Also, during this time, we learned that Jeremy has another calling in life as a photographer. hahaha. After photos were over, it was beach time! Not sure how many people have been to Tybee Island. It was a beautiful beach, but the water is, well, it's dirty looking. When I say dirty, I don't mean that there was actually stuff in it, but I couldn't see my feet. Therefore, I did most of my beach chillin' on the sand. I took a lovely and much needed nap. Dug in the sand a little bit with Dalton. People watched and lusted after a group of Georgia Hotties. Overall, it was a good time.We had another delicious meal, did some sight seeing on Sunday morning in Savannah--fell in love with Savannah and began planning my destination wedding there IMMEDIATELY!--and headed back to good ole Tennessee. It was really kind of odd. I think it's the first long term road trip that I've taken with my sister that was completely pleasant. What a nice change of pace!

In other news, I posted like a month ago about my weight loss journey. So far, it's going alright. As of today, I've lost about six pounds. Not an overwhelming amount, but good enough since I vacationed AND had exams during that time. I've been cooking as I said earlier, and I think that is really gonna help expedite the process since I'm not eating out as much. Also, the whole not eating out thing is helping my wallet get fatter! Who knew! I've been doing Zumba/PiYo on Monday nights with Sister and Allison. It's a nice workout and nice bonding time for us!

Well, I think that's just about everything. I also think you all are probably tired of reading this dang book. Sorry for the hiatus!

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