
Day 5. Your Dreams

Professionally speaking, I have a passion for education. When I was young, I always wanted to teach. I went to college round 1 to teach high school Spanish. But as we all know, that just didn't work out. I thought my life was headed down another path. I didn't think I was cut out to be a teacher, especially since I hate school so much. I took another road that I liked for a while, but what I found out is that maybe the problem wasn't the teaching thing. Maybe it was that I needed to grow up. That's exactly what I did at the bank. And when I was better developed and ready, back to teaching I went.
I started classes full time again in January, this time to teach Math. I still hate class, but I've found that I hate my education classes a lot less than any other ones. Good sign right? I have lots of plans for when I teach. I want to be the Math teacher that makes young people see that Math isn't so bad. I want to show students that it can be fun and you can like Math and not be a weirdo. I also want to be the teacher that develops a bond with my students and makes a positive impact on them. One of my best compliments has been that I'm like one of my teachers that has now become my friend. Hopefully someday, one of my former students can feel that way about me.

As far as other dreams go, I've never really been one to dream about a husband or a house full of kids, I've always wanted success. I want to make a living doing something that I enjoy. That's where baking comes in. I love to bake. Its something I can do to express my creative side and be productive at the same time. Having my own cupcake business has been something I've toyed with for a little over a year now. I've thought about flavor combinations. Found recipes. Taste tested probably one too many cake. After some encouragement (coincidentally, from my teacher/friend I referred to before), I decide to just take the plunge. I've had a few orders since then and hope to grow my business even more. Eventually, I'd love to open a shop with cupcakes, candy, homemade ice cream, and other sweets. I want to create a place for young people to hang out and a place that kids want to come. But at the same time, I want to have a quality product that adults love too. That dream is one I am not sure of, but I really hope I can make it happen someday.

Shameless plug time! Check out my cupcake website and help me achieve my dream!

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